In this photograph, we delve into the world of cosplayers, not merely as 73 individuals but as 73 diverse and vibrant stories. Originating from all across the country and beyond, 73 choices were made to embark on a pilgrimage by land, sea, and air, all converging on a shared destination.

In the dim light of that morning, 73 mirrors bore witness to an intricate choreographic ritual of meticulous adjustments: straps were tightened, wigs positioned, and makeup meticulously contoured.

Throughout this day, each of the 73 cosplayers made different choices - whether to skip breakfast, spend all their money on merchandise, carry spare footwear, or decide if sunscreen was even necessary.

There was, however, one decision that was singular for everyone, a decision that transcended individual backgrounds: the decision to converge in one location, joining together in celebration of their shared devotion to a beloved fandom, widely known as a cosplay meetup.

This photograph is a testament to the momentous confluence of 73 projects, stories, backgrounds, life experiences, and unique circumstances. It is a visual narrative that underscores the harmonious diversity of expression, all underscored by a profound and collective love for a common passion.

This is a cosplay community.

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure meetup arranged by jojomeetuk, photographed by hovermediacosplay

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