Want to Start Cosplaying? A Guide to Film and TV Cosplay

Image of a cosplayer dressed as Falcon from the MCU with the text A Guide to Film and TV Cosplay by Holly Swinyard in red and white
A well-illustrated guide to a unique and intriguing avenue of fandom, and a helpful resource for delving into this world.
— The Book Lover Blog

Have you ever wanted to escape into a comic book and become your favourite superhero? Or run away into the world of Disney princesses? Well, who says you can’t? Maybe it’s time you get your cosplay on!

As adults we often feel that we can’t enjoy the same level of play and imagination that we did as children but in actuality we still need all of that so maybe get in touch with your inner child and jump in feet first.

Cosplay is a hobby that is sweeping the globe, you can see it at comic cons, book launches, movie screenings and even on popular TV shows such as The Big Bang Theory and Community. A mix of exciting craft skills, heady escapism and passion for pop culture, it’s easy to see why cosplay has become so popular with people no matter who they are, because now they can be anyone they want, and so can you.

But how, why and where could you have a go at starting out in the wonderful world of cosplay?

Don’t worry folks, A Guide to Film and TV Cosplay has got you covered,! (Get it, because its a book? Covered? Yeah it’s a bad pun).

With a little bit of help from this handy, dandy guide to cosplay, you can get stuck in. Learn about the history of the hobby (it’s been around longer than you’d think!), get your head around picking your first costume, find out how about all the amazing skills people are using to make these costumes, and perhaps even try a few yourself. Who knows, you might be rocking out as Captain Marvel or Flynn Rider at the next big comic con! (And don’t worry, there’s a guide to comic con in here too.)

Absolutely fantastic book to delve into, whether it’s your first foray into cosplay or your an old hat at it. Loved the images & descriptions used. Would make a fab gift for the geek in your life.
— Stacey Hammond, NetGalley

Written by our very own editor, Holly Rose Swinyard, a cosplayer and lover of all things “geek” since they were 15, they are now a pop culture journalist and writer. They have written on cosplay, pop culture and the need for “escapist play for adults” for national publications and on BBC Radio 4.

A Guide to Film and TV Cosplay by Holly Swinyard, published by Pen & Sword Books, is available to order now:

Buy it from AmazonUK | Buy it from Waterstones | Buy it direct from Pen & Sword Books, available 30th August (price £20, best price)


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